I received Diploma of Higher Education in Applied Mathematics (an equivalent of MS) in 1993 from the Institute for Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry (aka Kerosinka), Moscow, Russia. I did my diploma project Applications of Invariant Theory to Classical Mechanics under the supervision of Nikolay Osetinsky.

I continued my education in the University of Minnesota and received Ph.D. degree in Mathematics in 2000. My thesis Inductive Approach to Cartan's Moving Frame Method with Applications Applications to Classical Invariant Theory was performed under the supervision of Peter Olver.

After the graduation, I held a Gibbs Instructor position at Yale University for three years until I joined the Department of Mathematics at NC State University as an Assistant Professor in 2003. I was promoted to an Associate Professor in 2009 and to Professor in 2019.

Before all this I studied in Moscow State 57th School.